About Me

I am a National Board Certified Counselor, Licensed Professional Counselor, Professional School Counselor, Professional School Administrator, and a Professional K-12 Educator. I have been working with young people for over fifteen years and have served elementary, middle school, high school, and collegiate populations as a tutor, mentor, teacher, counselor, and principal. It is my goal to share experiences from my work and life that may assist people, parents, counselors, and educators alike to help children to grow up to be competent, caring, and responsible and to help adults build resilience through life's transitions. On a personal note, I am married, have a school aged daughter, and a Coton de Tulear puppy. Besides being a loving mother and wife and an educator and counselor, my passions are creative expression through scrapbooking, stamping, sewing, cooking, and home decor. You can follow my creative side on Twitter at www.twitter.com/SnowdenStyle or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/SnowdenStyle. Cheers!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Airing My Dirty Laundry!

Laundry is probably one of my least favorite things to do...but I think my husband likes it less than I do.  I am blessed that he does his own, but I am the one that does mine, our daughter's, and all of the community laundry such as sheets, towels, and rugs.  Because of my health issues, this is an exhausting chore for me, so often times it will pile (and when I say pile I literally mean PILE) up in the laundry room in front of the dryer because I just don't feel like folding it.  Sometimes it sits for two weeks and each day my daughter (age 5) and I go digging through the pile for what to wear.  I am NOT proud of this...it is definitely one of my limitations. 

This past Sunday I took 2 hours to fold the mountain of laundry that had accumulated.  I placed it neatly into laundry baskets and my husband carried them to their appropriate destinations.  Of course, I didn't have the energy to put it away after spending 2 hours folding it.  So a basket of laundry sits on my daughter's floor in her room waiting to be put away.

Last night she was getting ready for bed and looking for some clean pajamas.  Of course she couldn't just open the drawer and get any old pair, she had to have this certain pair that was at the bottom of the neatly folded basket.  So out fly the neatly folded clothes...all over the floor.  I didn't yell at her, but I proceeded to comment on the disaster she created and told her she would clean it up tomorrow.  She could certainly sense my disdain, I'm sure. 

After I tucked her into bed, I walked downstairs into our bedroom...to the same sight...a pile of laundry all over the floor surrounding the laundry basket.  I remembered then that I was frantically looking for something to wear to church on Sunday...and it was at the bottom of my basket. 

Well, now I realize where she learned this nasty habit.  Kids are our mirrors, and so impressionable.  Our actions make their mark on them without us even realizing it.  As the old saying goes...The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

What are your limitations? 

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